Wednesday, August 29, 2012

frequently dusted

 unfortunately these members of team saf were put in front of a firing squad. they all survived to icepick unwaxed ledges another day
 street riding is getting too mainstream
 protection against homophobes
 out of commision for right now
 dont let your kids breathe exhaust, just get them dusted
 team saf is going on megatour 89
 foreshadowing.... next day carter tore his hand apart while we were trying to get dusted in a treacherous area in yonkers
 but we also get dusted in the most beautiful places

 drunk russian guy in the bodega claims his wife took this photo, others claim it was in the new york times. shooter on 34th street laid the fuck out 
 fire department installed a hydrant in kevs apartment due to frequent pcp related fires
dust makes you crave some weird ass shit

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